Human beings are supposed to be social animals where they live together and share things that are commonly used. This implies that all the spaces and places which is used by humans together are shared by every body. But in reality there is a tendency to demarcate their spaces. In a larger spectrum the divisions of countries and states are evidences of it. One may argue that it is for the convenience of governance. Or it is divided for political reasons. When one takes a closer look it is evident that beyond political convenience there is an underlying reason, which is about personalizing and owning it.

Humans within the society also marks its territory .It can be seen in a public and private spaces. People customize their spaces to demarcate their territory. When one occupies a space they customize it according their need and aesthetics. More over it is a sign or declaration of the act of owning it. When a country conquers another country, they put their flags and other signs to prove the presence of the new owner. When war happens it is sudden and the change is very evident.
the proof of it.

But some times the invasion happens very slowly and while it is happening it is not visible at a glance. The change is visible only after a period of time. And by this time the realization happens it is already taken over and the marks of the invader left behind are the proof of it.

The idea of this project is from the concept of trespass .It is not only happening with countries, but it happens everywhere, sometime it is without ones knowledge. It is so slow that the change is visible only after some time. This changes happens in the personal life also. So through this project the photographer looks at the changes in the personal spaces from a bachelor’s life to the life of a family person. All the personal spaces that were the property of a single man is slowly taken over by the children as they came in.

It is a continuous process and the transformation happens very slowly. At one moment the photographer looks back and documents the changes that have taken place. All the spaces have been trespassed by the children with out even one knowing it. And they leave marks of it. The marks of their presence; the border between my space and their space is vanished. One doesn’t know when they started but now they are here completely occupied. And the marks they left behind are the evidences of the same.

This is a series done over a period of four years.